Last night, an audience member approached me in our theatre’s lobby after my performance in TheatreSports. “Hey there… you see my husband standing over there?” [She indicated a tall bald man leaning on a railing across the room.] “He said you really
I remember going to a wedding as a kid back in the late 80s or early 90s and finding myself even then perplexed by the videographers’ jarring omnipresence. It seemed that no one at the event could see the event unfolding for
Last Friday was Take Your Kids to Work Day, formerly Take Your Daughters to Work Day. I participated as a mentor, talking to kids and answering questions about how to combine art and technology in jobs at places like Microsoft. Now, it’s
It’s amazing the amount of information we use and take for granted each day, unconsciously. Our minds adapt and file little shortcuts all around us to make living that much more effortless. Until one of those “truths” changes, and we’re snapped rather
This weekend marks the closing of my latest theatrical project – starring as Louise in Steve Martin’s adaptation of “The Underpants” as presented by the Microsoft Theatre Troupe. Sophomore Foreshadowing Long ago but not so far away, I was a sophomore in
Sometimes, people ask me “How do you manage such a busy life?” Strangely enough, it seems that the logistical side of getting the life-related STUFF from point A to point B is one of the trickiest things to manage. (Aside from the
In the state of Washington, they make you get your license plates replaced every seven years. For the reflective coating, ostensibly. Even if you don’t want to change your plate numbers (they make you pay extra to keep the same number, which
Wednesday was a day fraught with thinking. 2 hours of high-level design strategizing and brainstorming, and 50 minutes of 1:1 conversation with my GM. 3 hours of new information dumped into my head, before lunch, which all at once causes things to
There comes a point in life when our mortality is called into sharp relief. For some, it is a harsh and sudden awakening. But more often, it’s the growing realization that the people around you are more frequently falling ill or otherwise
(Well, a mix CD, but that didn’t sound as good.) Over the years I’ve developed a strong belief that the “universe” sometimes takes a heavier hand in our lives. I’ve seen evidence that the universe can send us signs when we’re on